From the Inside Out

Dietary & Lifestyle Therapy solidifies your path to healing from the inside out. Our aim is to optimize digestive function and metabolism regulating hormones, sleep and emotional well-being. Fifty-minute consultations are a beautiful complement to an acupuncture treatment. Through the comprehensive health intake, we evaluate the underlying causes affecting your health and well-being utilizing food as medicine. We provide you with a comprehensive plan and recommend weekly check-in’s to accomplish your health goals.

To maintain health, prevent disease, reduce illness, and slow the aging process, we rebalance yin and yang, hot and cold, and excess and deficiency in the body by applying ancient lifestyle and dietary principles. Our sessions take a deep dive into dietary therapy by creating a healthy relationship with food and sustainable, long-lasting lifestyle changes.


Achieve weight loss

Increase immunity

Heal auto-immune or chronic illness

Overcome allergies or asthma

Heal degenerative disease

Lower blood pressure

Reduce cholesterol

Control blood glucose for diabetes

Regulate the thyroid for hypo and hyper thyroidism


Panty purges

Create shopping lists, schedules and food preps

Nutritional plan specific to your constitution and condition

Weekly food journal reviews

How to create health goals and stick to them